Glen Allsopp, who is a loyal Daily Blog Tips reader, emailed me a while ago to let me know about a post he written titled 4,439 Words on Driving Traffic to Your Blog. I went there to read it, and found a really comprehensive piece. The 5 main areas where the touches upon are:
- Choosing your Niche
- Spreading your Brand
- Search Engine Optimisation
- Writing Quality Content
- Niche Engagement
And here is one quote from the post:
For example, if you are interested in ’scandanavian fly fishing’ and are hoping to become a full-time blogger then you might struggle to find an audience large enough to make a decent income. What I recommend in this case is that you simply step back in terms of topic. So if you are interested in scandanavian fly fishing then you write about fishing, if you are interested in snow boarding then consider creating an extreme sports website.
The idea here is that you don’t limit yourself to what you can cover. There’s nothing wrong with writing about celebrities or blogging or self improvement. Although they are niche topics they do have a very large potential audience if you can build your brand and gain some marketshare. However, if you want to write about blog design (which a friend of mine does) then you are limiting your potential post ideas. On the other hand, with this topic you are branching out from a huge niche so there is still potential to reach a few thousand subscribers and make a great go of things.
It is always interesting to read the experiences and perspectives of other people on Internet marketing and blogging, so check it out. If you want more on this topic, read also the group writing project we had a while ago titled 30 Blog Traffic Generation Tips.
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